Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Record Management

Running head: Records Management Name Instructor Date of submission Executive Summary An effective records management program is an integral part of an organization’s effective business operations. Organizations must consider records management requirements when implementing the system management strategies or whenever they design and augment an electronic information system. Organizations are required by law to â€Å"make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the organization. This legal requirement applies to electronic records kept by the organizations as well. Organizations that do not consistently adhere to standard records management practices run the risk of not having records that can be depended upon in the course of subsequent business transactions or activities. This paper focuses on the various methodologies that organizations can implement in order to develop ECM/ERM strategies that are backed with electronic signature systems. It also gives an insight into the various ways through which organizations can implement good IT practices to complement or parallel existing records management practices. In systems implemented in line with ECM/ERM guidelines, developing the most efficient systems will form the core of organizational success. This will be achieved by making electronically signed records the core of organizational IT systems. The organizational IT professionals will come to terms with the fact that signatures are an integral part of the records they keep. If the records need to be preserved, whether for a short duration of time or permanently, then the organization is required to promote integrity of its records by electronically signing them in scheduled series. Additionally, this paper discusses the general principles that govern application of electronic signature technology in organizations. Organizations can accomplish electronic signatures through the use of different technologies such as Personal Identification Number (PIN), smart cards and biometrics. However, some organizations can decide to apply additional technology specific-record management systems. Introduction Records Life Cycle vs. System Development Life Cycle According to Adam (2008), the terms â€Å"records life cycle† and â€Å"system development life cycle† are significant concepts that are often confused in information technology and records management discussions. Records life cycle: The records life cycle refers to the life span of a record from the time it is created or received to its eventual disposition. The process is usually carried out in three main stages: creation, maintenance and use, and eventual disposition (Sampson, 2002). Majorly, this paper focuses on information creation stage since the electronic signature record is created at the initial stage of the records life cycle. The second stage, maintenance and use, is the part in the records life cycle in which the record is maintained at the organizational level while in active use, or is maintained when not in frequent use. The final stage of the records life cycle is disposition, which marks the ultimate fate finish to the record. Most organizational records are categorized as having either a â€Å"temporary† or â€Å"permanent† disposition status (Addey, 2002). Temporary records are held by organizations for stated periods before they are destroyed or deleted. On the other hand, permanent records are initially held by organizations before they are eventually transferred to state and other involved agencies. The eventual disposition of the electronically-signed records is subject to debate between the involved agency and the statutory bodies, in which some organizations may be authorized to dispose some of the records. System development life cycle: The â€Å"system development life cycle† gives a description of the developmental phases that an electronic information system entails. These phases typically include initiation, definition, design, development, deployment, operation, maintenance, enhancement, and retirement. The most important steps in all this are the definition, development, and refinement of the data model, which mostly involves treatment of the records being created or managed (Stephens, 2007). Information systems are developed according to system development methodologies, including those that organizations use to implement the electronic signature as required by the statutory bodies; which govern production and augmentation of existing records. The records life cycle usually exceeds the system development life cycle. When it does the organization involved needs to retain the particular record for a period of time longer than the life of the electronic information system that generated the electronic signature. However, this presents special challenges, such as maintaining the integrity of record in case of system migration. Background Characteristics of Trustworthy Organizational Records Reliability, authenticity, integrity, and usability are the features used to describe trustworthy records from a records management perspective. An organization needs to consider these features when laying implementation plans for ERM programs; such that it can meet its internal business and legal needs, as well as external regulations (Boiko, 2002). The degree of effort that an organization puts into ensuring that these characteristics are attained depends on the organizational business strategies and the structure of the market environment. Transactions that are of great importance to the organization require greater assurance level than those usable with transactions of less criticality to the organization Reliability: A reliable record is one that carries contents that can be trusted as a whole and actual representation of the transactions, activities, or facts to which it refers and can be relied upon in the subsequent transactions Authenticity: An authentic record is one that is proven to be what it purports to be and to have been created or sent by the person who purports to have created and sent it. A record should be created at the point in time of the transaction or incident to which it relates, or soon afterwards, by individuals who have direct knowledge of the facts or by instruments routinely used within the business to conduct the transaction (Wiggins, 2007). To demonstrate the authenticity of records, organizations should implement and document policies and procedures which control the creation, transmission, receipt, and maintenance of records to ensure that records designers are authorized and identified and that records are protected against unauthorized addition, deletion, and alteration. Integrity: The integrity of a record refers to the state of being complete and unchanged. It is essential that a record be protected against changes without signed permission. Records management policies and procedures should specify what, if any, additions or annotations may be made to a record after it is created, under what circumstances additions or annotations may be authorized, and the people authorized to make the changes. Any authorized annotation or addition to a record made after it is complete should be explicitly indicated as annotations or additions. Another aspect of integrity is the structural integrity of organizational records. The structure of a record refers to its physical and logical format; as well as the relationship between the data elements contained in the record. Failure to maintain the structural integrity of organizational records can easily impair reliability and authenticity of the record Usability: These are records that can be located, retrieved, presented, and interpreted. In any subsequent retrieval and use, the record needs to be directly connected to the business activity or transaction which produced it. It should be possible to identify a record within the context of broader business activities and functions. The connection between records which document a sequence of activities should be maintained. These contextual linkages of records should carry the information needed for an understanding of the transaction that created and used them. Preserving Trustworthy Records For a record to remain reliable, authentic, with its integrity maintained, and useable for as long as the record is needed, it is necessary that it’s content, context and sometimes structure is maintained. A trustworthy record preserves the actual content of the record itself and information about the record that draws relation to the context in which it was first designed and used. Specific contextual information will vary depending upon the business, legal, and regulatory requirements of the business activity (e. g. , issuing land use permits on Federal lands). It is also necessary to preserve the structure of the record, as well as the content arrangement. Failure to preserve the content structure of the record will affect its structural integrity. That, in turn, undermines the record’s reliability and authenticity; which is of great essence. There are special considerations when dealing with the preservation of the content, context, and structure of records that are made possible by Electronic Record Management through electronic signatures: †¢ Content: The electronic signature or signatures in a record are part of the content. They give a clear indication on who signed a record and whether that person gave approval for the record content. In organizations, multiple signatures are an indication of initial approval and subsequent approvals. It should be understood that in ERM, signatures should accompanied by dates and other identifiers such as organizational titles. All of these peripherals are part of the content of the record and needs to be kept well. Lack of this information seriously impairs the reliability and authenticity of a record †¢ Context: Some electronic signature technologies are centered on individual identifiers which are not embedded in the record content, trust paths, and other means used to create and verify the validity of an electronic signature. This information is not inclusive of the record content but is nevertheless significant. It provides contextual support to the record since it provides evidence that can be used to support the authenticity and reliability of the record. Lack of these contextual records seriously impairs subsequent attempts to verify validity of the organizational records. †¢ Structure: Preserving the structure of a record means that the physical and logical formats of a record are well drawn. In doing this, organizations must ensure that the physical and logical formats of the record elements remain intact physically and logically. An organization may find it necessary to maintain the record structural form through the use of an electronic signature. In that case, the organization is required to preserve both the hardware and software that created the electronic signature, which can either be encryption algorithms or chips. This ensures that the electronic record can be revalidated at a later time when required Advantages and disadvantages of using ECM/ERM systems in organizations The main advantage of organizations using ECM/ERM approaches in organizations is the fact that it offers the platform to verify the validity of records. There are various approaches that organizations can use to achieve trustworthiness of electronically-signed records within their systems over time. This requires that organizations choose an approach that is applicable, fit for their particular line of business; as well as risk assessment The first approach may involve an organization deciding to maintain adequate documentation of its records’ validity. This involves maintaining of adequate documentation of the records such as, trust verification of records gathered at or near the time of record signing. This record keeping approach enables organizations to retain contextual information through an adequate document processes carried out at the time the record was electronically-signed, along with the electronically-signed record itself. The additional contextual information is then retained for as long as the electronically-signed record is retained. Thus the agency preserves the signature’s validity and meets the adequacy of documentation requirements by retaining the contextual information that documented the validity of the electronic signature at the time the record was signed. Maintaining adequate documentation of validity gathered at or near the time of record signing may be preferable for records that have permanent or long-term retentions since it is less dependent on technology and much more easily maintained as technology evolves over time (Rockley, 2003). However, using this approach, the signature name may not remain readable over time because of bit-wise deterioration in the record or as a result of technological obsolescence. Agencies must ensure that for permanent records the printed name of the signer and the date when the signature was executed be included as part of any human readable form (such as electronic display or printout) of the electronic record. Similarly, an organization may opt to maintain the capacity to re-validate digital signatures. The re-validation approach demands that an organization retains the ability to revalidate the digital signature, together with the electronically-signed record itself. The information necessary for revalidation (i. e. , the public key used to validate the signature, the certificate related to that key, and the certificate revocation list from the certificate authority that corresponds to the time of signing) must be retained for as long as the digitally-signed record is retained. Both contextual and structural information of the record must be retained. This is of benefit to the organization since it can review it records over time effectively (Jenkins, 2005). However, this approach of record keeping is potentially burdensome, particularly for records that are digitally signed records with long retention requirements. Conclusions Record keeping is consistently becoming a priority for many organizations with advancement in technology. The challenging part is keeping up with the drastic options that are being launched within short periods. As discussed in this paper, the most efficient method of managing organizational records is through the adoption of Electronic Content Management or Electronic Record Management systems (Halvorson, 2009). This is mostly achieved by electronically signing records depending on their importance and usage in the organization. In doing this, organizations are able protect the reliability, authenticity, integrity, and usability, as well as the confidentiality, and legitimacy of their records. When implementing electronic signature technology, organizations are expected to accord special consideration to the use of electronic signatures in electronic records that preserve organizational legal rights. This is based on the fact that long-term temporary and permanent electronically signed records have greater longevity than typical software obsolescence cycles, it is certain that organizations will be required to migrate those records to updated versions of software to maintain access to the records (Hackos, 2002). The software migration (as opposed to media migration) process may invalidate the digital signature embedded in the record. This may adversely affect an agency’s ability to recognize or enforce the legal rights documented in those records. References Adam, A. (2008). Implementing electronic document and record management systems. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications. Addey, D. (2002). Content management systems. Birmingham: Glasshaus, cop. Boiko, B. (2005) Content Management Bible. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Hackos, T. (2002). Content management for dynamic web delivery. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Halvorson, K. (2009). Content strategy for the web. Indianapolis: New Riders. Jenkins, T. (2005). Enterprise content management: what you need to know; [turning content into competitive advantage]. Waterloo: Open Text Corp. Rockley, A. (2003). Managing enterprise content: a unified content strategy. Indianapolis: New Riders. Sampson, K. (2002). Value-added records management: protecting corporate assets, reducing business risks. West port: Quorum Books. Stephens, D. (2007). Records management: making the transition from paper to electronic. Alexa: ARMA. Wiggins, B. (2000). Effective document management: unlocking corporate knowledge. Aldershot: Gower.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Essay

The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a person achieves success. This book does not focus on the conventional determinant of success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level (IQ). Although all these components contribute greatly to ones achievement of success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person will be successful or not. This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as emotional intelligence (EQ), which is one’s ability to recognize and effectively understand his/her emotions in a productive and rational manner. The objective of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is to educate people on suppressing their natural willingness to succumb to their feelings or emotions. The author states, â€Å"The physical pathway for emotional intelligence starts in the brain, at the spinal cord. Your primary senses enter here and must travel to the front of your brain before you can think rationally about your experience. But first they travel through the limbic system, the place where emotions are experienced. Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain† (p. 7). Overall, people have to learn to deal with or work through the emotional phase of the thinking process and resist making â€Å"knee jerk† decisions based on their feelings at a given moment. By increasing their EQ, people are more proficient in making sound rational decisions when they are emotional. One may ask. How do you determine your level of emotional intelligence (EQ)? This is accomplished by an individual taking the â€Å"Emotional Intelligence Appraisal† test. Completing this test is the first step to determining and improving your EQ. Your individual EQ report provides you with a synopsis of your current EQ level, the EQ skills you need to improve, and the strategy(s) that will be most beneficial to increasing your EQ. In addition to this information, your EQ report allows you to compare your scores with others around the world. Also, you are given the opportunity to take the â€Å" Emotional Intelligence Appraisal† test a second time to see how you have improved your EQ and receive feedback report allows you to see your accomplishments and outline the next steps of your progression. The author states, â€Å"Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this  awareness to manage your behavior and relationships† (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such as, time management, communication, assertiveness, customer service, anger management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although our emotions will play an eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our actions or behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others and build better and stronger relationships. While emotional intelligence is vital to human behavior, it only accounts for a portion of a person as a whole. The author states, â€Å"IQ, personality, and EQ are distinct qualities we all possess. Together, they determine how we think and act. It is impossible to predict one based upon another. People may be intelligent but not emotionally intelligent, and people of all types of personalities can be high in EQ and/or IQ. Of the three, EQ is the only quality that is flexible and able to change† (p. 19). There is no know link between these three components that exist in a person, but each component coexists and works together to guide this person’s thoughts and behaviors. Unlike EQ, a person’s capacity to learn and personality are hardwired or ingrained over time. Emotional intelligence is a skill that is flexible and can be improved with guidance and practice. There are four core emotional intelligence skills. These four skills are divided into two categories: personal competence and social competence. Personal competence is centered on the individual, and it is made up of your self-awareness and self-managements skills. Self-awareness is your ability to recognize and understand how and why you typically behave or react a certain way. It is becoming comfortable dealing with both positive and negative emotions. Self-management is an extension of personal-awareness. It is using your awareness to guide your actions in a positive direction. Social competence focuses on your interaction with other people, and it consists of social awareness and relationship management skills. Social awareness is your ability to recognize and understand others emotions. It is noticing how others are feeling and thinking, even if it differs from your own. Relationship management is the capacity to use the knowledge and understanding of both your emotions and the emotions of others to connect with others. Although each of these EQ skills are evaluated separately and  can be improved individually, theses skills work collectively to increase your EQ level and improve your emotional intelligence overall.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Can Theories of Management Apply to Media manager, Organisations and, Essay

Can Theories of Management Apply to Media manager, Organisations and, are Such Theoretical Applications Redundant Discuss in Relation to the Film and TV Industries - Essay Example The main objective o media industries are successful customer acquisition and retention start with a focus on creating a positive return on investment to grow businesses through measurable marketing solutions that leverage the convergence of media and the newest technologies. Then why is it that anytime any news about the advertising or video game industry, both of which are massive profitable and pretty much icons of society and culture, they always claim to be struggling Are industries based upon rapid fire information inherently less stable than ones based on selling material goods How to turn creative ideas into a successful business How to adapt conventional business and management skills to the unpredictable market for culture Management theories are applicable in to cut across different industries that includes Film production and distribution Broadcasting, music industry, Publishing, Crafts and design, Computer software, games, animation consultancy and a survival kit for the small creative firms. The media manager in film and media enterprises focuses on the special relationship between creative imagination and strategic management. Efficient management skills cater for profit creative sector at the national and international level, including funding officers, project managers and policy makers. (Sharan & Surar, 15) In Media and TV industries, media manager's collaboration, togetherness, change in thinking cannot happen through annual conferences and conference room presentations. It needs to be a discipline and has to start from the top. There should be a set of management theories, which all media managers adhere to for better performance. The top manager will have to consciously become selfless, understand management theories practiced management skills can genuinely spread this culture in the workplace for this process to be successful. This will also eliminate mutiny in the ranks and help ideas to flourish! Management theories are applicable to all business organisations. Introduction to organisations and management includes: (1) PLANNING: Decision-making, the essence of a manager's job, foundations of planning, strategic management, planning tools and techniques .Media managers must develop own approaches to organisation, strategic planning and marketing develop critical faculties and research skills. Indeed there is a need to look into all aspects of branding and marketing from strategy and tactic development to budget allocations and metric tracking and integrating a variety of traditional and digital tactics. (2) ORGANISING: Organisational structure and design also includes Human resource management, managing change and innovation techniques. Media managers must acquire a critical overview of the commercial, legal and cultural frameworks within which creative and media enterprises operate. (3) LEADING: Leading the industry and the people, understanding groups and teams motivating employees, Leadership, managerial communication and interpersonal skills. Media managers must explore the business opportunities and make decisions in the environment of a rapidly changing media industry. The challenge for media corporations today is to keep pace with new technology and to continuously learn and create knowledge in this fast changing environment. (4)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reasons Affecting Nurses Working In Washington DC Research Paper

Reasons Affecting Nurses Working In Washington DC - Research Paper Example As per requirements, there may be call-backs. The condition is such that the nurses have to deal with more than one patient at a time. Due to an increase in work pressure, they may not get lunch breaks and may even have to work overtime. These reasons are hampering the quality of service that the nurses provide. These may result in fatigue, stress, loss of sleep and several other adverse consequences. Nurses of Washington DC, working in such an environment, have a greater chance of making mistakes during work. This work environment can discourage the nurses and that may lead to some of the nurses quitting nursing or limiting their working hours. Â  As per requirements, there may be call-backs. The condition is such that the nurses have to deal with more than one patient at a time. Due to an increase in work pressure, they may not get lunch breaks and may even have to work overtime. These reasons are hampering the quality of service that the nurses provide. These may result in fatigu e, stress, loss of sleep and several other adverse consequences. Nurses of Washington DC, working in such an environment, have a greater chance of making mistakes during work. This work environment can discourage the nurses and that may lead to some of the nurses quitting nursing or limiting their working hours. Effects of fatigue on performance Fatigue can adversely affect any type of performance. It can deteriorate alertness, concentration, judgment, etc. Human beings have developed a habit of working during the day and sleeping at night.


ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE 2004 TSUNAMI - Research Paper Example In that terrible event, it was realized that the corporate world is indeed made up of real citizens and that business is never emotionless. This arose out of the many supplies that actually came from the corporate world as small organizations and global multinationals were almost competing in their donations towards the affected people. In the analysis of the physical and economic impact of the tsunami, many issues begin to emerge. The effect of the tsunami was indeed much greater than initially presumed and some of those effects continue to be felt to this day. In the same vein, there are certainly many lessons to be learnt from the economic impact of the tsunami more than the mere short term effects on the affected countries. Physical facts The tsunami began with a seismic shift on the floor of the Indian Ocean on the 26th December 2004 off the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The whole shift set off a giant tidal wave that destroyed and swept houses and other structures on the beac hes wherever if reached. On the Richter scale, the oceanic earthquake measured 9.0 which was certainly a strong force. In less than three weeks later, the number of people who had been confirmed dead from the effects of the tsunami had reached 165,000. More deaths were later realized from water borne diseases, malnutrition and other effects that arose later. In the end, the estimated death toll was over 300,000 (Allen 45). The countries that were physically affected by the tsunami were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Maldives, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Myanmar, Seychelles and Bangladesh. Economic impacts of the Tsunami In the face of the tsunami, the immediate direct economic impact was the radical reduction in the consumption and business activity in the affected areas. Many people were greatly affected and they totally had to rely on food donations that mainly came from the corporate bodies. The economic effect of this phenomenon was, therefore, the reduced purchasing power which certainly affected organizations which mainly relied on the Asian markets. The most affected country was Indonesia which experienced a lot of costs in the reconstruction process given that the tsunami had greatly destroyed the costal infrastructure of that country. It was estimated that in the most affected area of Aceh, the government would need over $4 billion in the next five years in order to assist in the reconstruction process given that the area was totally flattened by the great waves. Figures from the International Labor Organization (ILO) reveal that more than 1 million jobs were lost as consequence of the tsunami in Indonesia (Askew 56). In Sri Lanka, the economy was enjoying a relatively high economic growth rate and peaceful times following the end of the 2 year civil unrest in the country. Just like Indonesia, the country was faced with a hefty reconstruction bill considering that its destroyed infrastructure was certainly the most advanced in the whole affected area. The Asian Development Bank estimated the amount to be used in the reconstruction process to be over $1.5 billion (Karan 65). Most importantly, the greatest challenge in the Indonesian case was the long-term effect of the tsunami on the critical tourism industry which contributes greatly to the economy of the country. It was actually realized that tourism, which accounted up to 4.6% of the country’s GDP prior to the tsunami, was greatly affected given that most tourists had to avoid the area for several months that followed the event (Murty 65). Moreover, the tourism infrastructure was totally destroyed and this created the need for reconstruction before

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Issue Paper Four Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Issue Paper Four - Essay Example The Second World War proved to be a period of technological breakthrough according to Weinberg. In his book â€Å"A world at Arms: A Global History of World War II,† he related that technological improvements such as radio direction finders and sonar, along with the breaking of the Germans Enigma Code, improved the Allies defenses against their Axis counterparts. He goes on to say that the Germans were able to design new types of submarines, which were faster and could stay submerged longer, however said submarines â€Å"did not become operational before the end of the war.†3 1 Terry Boardman. â€Å"What Was the 20th Century?† A lecture delivered on 17th March 2000 in Stourbridge, England. (accessed September 9, 2008), p.1. In relation to the above statements, historian writer Richard Overy in his book â€Å"Why the Allies Won† also made references that the last World War of the 20th century (WWII), showed that American technology and ingenuity combined with correct and better tactics won the war for the Allied forces despite the fact that the Axis nations had the backing of German engineering ingenuity. Overy reasons out that the Allies whose military capacity in the beginning was inferior compared to the Axis forces, integrated technology and logistics with moral force. He detailed facts that the nations which comprise the Allied Grand Coalition succeeded in World War II because they knew that it â€Å"was a life-and-death struggle for fundamental values.†4 Values that are needed in order to establish a better society. Moreover, Keegan in his timeless masterpiece â€Å"The Battle for History: Re-Fighting World War II† says that the Second World War, which was generally acclaimed as a â€Å"wonderful† period in history, should be examined closely because there is nothing wonderful

Friday, July 26, 2019

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alternative Fuel Vehicle - Essay Example Global private sector and government vehicle fleets are the main users of alternative vehicles and fuels, but, in the modern world today, consumers are intensively interested in use of alternative fuels and fuel vehicles. Environmentalist and ecological scientist agree that, alternative fuels and sophisticated vehicles rather than conventional cars and fuels aid the world reduce petroleum consumption, and emissions for fuel combustions and vehicles. Using Monroe motivated sequence form of argument; the paper will investigate alternative fuel vehicles, their economic, technological and ecological benefit to both consumers and the government in a global arena. Discussion Alternative fuel cars or vehicles are vehicles that use alternative fuel such as electricity, alcohol and natural gas instead of other traditional petroleum products (diesel and gasoline). Any engine moving strategy does not utilize petroleum products, (Wheeler, 2008). The percentage of light-duty cars is predicted to increase by 2030; therefore, need to create ecologically friendly and low fuel consumption vehicles are increasing. Enhancing the efficiency of vehicles is the only effective way to lower dependence on petroleum and improve environmental and public health security. Environmentalist and energy commission have construed that enhancing vehicle efficiency is not enough. Therefore, the world and the car industry must focus on enhancing their use of alternative fuel vehicles and fuels such as electricity, alcohol and other renewable sources. Alternative fuel cars offer increasingly impressive advancements in the fuel commercial. Similarly, alternative fuel cars that combine internal ignition engine of a car convention with an electrical motor can attain approximately two times the conventional cars fuel economy, (Carson & Vaitheeswaran, 2007). The system of energy storage maintains the energy to move the electric motor, for instance, batteries are most popular choices of energy storage in alternative fuel cars. Additionally, researchers are still under investigation to develop other options for storing energy. Experts agree that various increased fuel taxes in different parts of the world (such as Europe), strict environmental laws (such as California environmental laws) and increased chances of further restrictions on emission of greenhouse gases, operations on alternative systems of power for heavy fleet vehicles have become a main concern for manufacturers of vehicles and governments across the globe. Other compelling factors behind AFV manufacture include increased need to promote healthcare safety and other economic benefits, (American Petroleum Institute & World Resources Institute, 1990). Modern research and development mainly focus on AFV machines run by internal ignition and electric energy, (California & California, 2009). Alternative fuel cars minimize smog-forming contaminants through efficient locomotion, but because their internal ignition engine they produce minimal emissions. Similarly, increasing gas costs, environmental pollution and advanced techniques are the main contributing factors to the rising popularity for safe fuels for hybrid vehicles. This is because alternative fuel cars by far, supersede fossil fuel by running on hydrogen, electric power, ethanol and related renewable alternatives. Alternative fue

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Law of Trusts Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Law of Trusts - Case Study Example In 2004 Brian entered into a covenant under a trust deed with his children Pat and Richard. Pat and Richard can sue against Brian at law for damages to compensate Pat and Richard for their loss of expectation if Brian does not perform his promise. In Cannon v Harley1 a father promised his daughter by deed that he would pay her any sum exceeding 1,000 which he received under his own father's will. When he failed to do so, she successfully sued him at law for the amount she would have obtained had his promise been performed. It is important to note, however, that the same promise was not enforceable in equity. Equity will enforce promises made for consideration, but not ones whose only claim to enforcement is that they are contained in a deed. None of the property referred to in the 2004 covenant has been transferred to Pat and Richard. Brian appointed Tony and Nathan as his executors and trustees under his will. Now the question arises who can enforce the covenant. If the Contract (Ri ghts of Third Parties) Act 1999 were to apply to covenants (which is doubtful) then assuming the requirements of the Act were satisfied, Pat and Richard would be able to enforce the covenant at law and obtain damages for lost expectation. It can be argued that they hold the benefit of the right to sue on the covenant on trust for Pat and Richard. If this argument, the 'trust of the covenant' argument, can be made out, then Pat and Richard can compel Tony and Nathan to sue Brain. The assumption is that Tony and Nathan would recover substantial damages, which they would then hold on trust for Pat and Richard. There are three difficulties, which stand in the way of this argument succeeding. To be a valid trust, it is necessary three certainties, formalities, and perfect constitution. A trust will be perfectly constituted where the rights, which are to form the subject matter of the trust, are vested in the intended trustee. The principle laid down in the case Milroy v Lord2, Lord Turne r LJ explained three ways of benefiting third parties. The easiest way to benefit the third party is by an outright gift. If the Beneficiary is minor and a gift is a real property then it is not possible. In this situation, he needs to create a trust or declare himself as a trustee. The transfer to the trustees must accord with the rules applicable to the property concerned. Legal estates in land must transferee by deed, equitable interest, and copyright by writing (which may include an electronic document), chattels by deed of gift or by an intention to give coupled with a delivery of possessions, a bill of exchange by endorsement, and shares by the appropriate form of transfer followed by registration.   The traditional approach also adopted in subsequent cases like Re Fry3, required all stage should be completed. However, if the settlor wants to become a trustee himself he must declare it in clear and unequivocal terms, which carry out man's intention.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social and Psychological Factors of Methamphetamine Abuse Research Paper

Social and Psychological Factors of Methamphetamine Abuse - Research Paper Example As can be seen, choosing cocaine (and/or methamphetamine) is made without regard for the repercussions of danger or punishment. This information is exceedingly noteworthy when one looks at the effect methamphetamine has on its users. These precarious behaviors described by users as an intense high or euphoria, heightened sexual experiences, and focused attentions have been repeated in further studies and reveal that habit and compulsion overrides the recognition of obvious hazards. Even though there are reports of extreme paranoia and depression for weeks after abuse, users will continue to use making it difficult to hold down a job or take care of a family (American Council on Drug Education, n.d.). Looking at some of the most current theories in clinical and behavioral research, this paper will explore the multifaceted roles which predispose individuals to methamphetamine abuse by evaluating the psychological and social factors of addiction. Generally, peer group is one of the most import social factors leading to Methamphetamine abuse. As friends take this drug, individual finds it cool to use it. This has generally been one of the reasons why people at a young age start using abusive drugs. According to the national institute of health, ‘Monitoring the future survey’, drug abuse in 8th-10th graders is lesser (National Institute of Drug Abuse). However, it does exist, suggesting how ‘trying to be cool’ attitude may have influenced all this young students to take the drug. This is specifically the case with male students as boys are more likely to be aggressive and naughty as compared to girls. The colorless and odorless drug, when taken, increases the cognitive activity and makes the individual feel happier and excited. Hence, when the social surrounding becomes depressing, people tend to divert to such drugs. Due to the satisfaction gained by this drug,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Right-to-die Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Right-to-die - Essay Example Some of the ways through which this can be achieved is by assisted suicide. This is the main focus of this research. This entire issue of ending one’s life is one that has elicited a lot of debate in the modern times. The major reason that has sparked this debate is just because at the center of this issue is that it is a person’s life that is in question. There are proponents of both sides. There are the individuals who are for the idea with the thought that issue of mercy-killing is morally acceptable. In fact what is being said is that there is a right to death. The example of such proponents might be seen in the members of Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland. At the same time there are those proponents who are totally against this whole issue of this type of life termination. These individuals are of the opinion that the taking of a person’s life is unacceptable under any circumstance. In some cases, it can be said that suicide is acceptable, only that i t has not been put up in the books of law. However, the issue of doctors assisting the patient to commit suicide is a whole story altogether (Whiting, n.p.). One of the major opponents of the whole euthanasia issue since time immemorial has been the Catholic Church. There are some very few countries which permit euthanasia. However, this is under very specific circumstances. An example of such a circumstance is when a person is in excruciating pain. However, even though these few circumstances may allow for mercy-killing, there has to be sufficient evidence to furnish this sort of action (Manoj, n.p.). It is also important to note that there are those countries that are adamant in acceptance of this issue, regardless of the state of the patient. An example of such a country is Japan or even Columbia. What happens in these countries is that the patient is just left to be in the state in which he or she is in until his or her body eventually gives in. On critical examination of the po sition that is held in this case is that there will be the questioning of whether the right action has been taken. Would it be right to kill the person with the intention of helping them avert the pain that is associated with their current state or would it be logical and in order to let the person be in that state of pain in their deathbed (Whiting, n.p.). These and many others are some of the questions that leave people at crossroads when the issue of euthanasia pops up in forums and discussions. In the United States for example Euthanasia is not acceptable in all the states. This is under the homicide law. According to Wisconsin Laws, the act of mercy-killing is not acceptable in any way. So despite of all these arguments are there any good things or benefits that are associated with the act of euthanasia? Well the so-called benefits that are associated with this practice are also under question. The first benefit that is brought forth in this connection is that it alleviates the sick individual from the pains and troubles that are associated with his or her ailment (Manoj, n.p.). Another benefit that may be seen in this case will be realized by the family and friends of the patient. This is because it will save them on the health costs that they have been incurring for the purpose of taking care of the sick individual. In this same relation it is argued that the resources that are used on the person who is terminally ill could

Despite Their Cultural Differences Essay Example for Free

Despite Their Cultural Differences Essay Despite Their Cultural Differences, Do Jeanette From Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit Celie From The Colour Purple Both Share The Same Struggle?  The cultural differences of the two characters are numerous and the implications far reaching. The austere but comfortable working class security of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, contrasts greatly with the urban squalor of The Colour Purple. Even though there is such a massive social divide the two women share many similar struggles. Both women are struggling against the imposition and enforcement of belief systems and intolerant judgements upon them. In Jeanettes life her mother mainly imposes her controlling and stifling religious views upon her. She feels press ganged to the extent that I had been brought in to join her in a tag match against the Rest of the World. The entirety of Jeanettes early life is a moulding process, where she is forced to endure the influence of enemies including The Devil (in his many forms), Next Door, Sex (in its many forms), and slugs. Celies initial struggle takes on a much more chilling and darker tone. Her perspective comes from her being made to accept the role of a victim. Her stepfather tears away her basic human rights as he abuses her, He start to choke me, saying you better shut up and git used to it. It is a constant challenge to achieve the recognition by others that she has nothing in her present, miserable existence.  Why dont you look decent? Put on something! But what Im sposed to put on? I dont have nothing. One challenge faced by Celie is how to access a decent education, and further her basic skills. As she is seen as little more than a servant, her family believes that there is little need for her to further herself and grow.  The first time I got big Pa, took me out of school, He never care that I love it. In the initial section of Colour Purple, the writing skills of Celie are very poor and reflect the poor education she has received. The entire opening diary entries are littered with colloquialisms and miss spellings, Left me to see after the others. He never have a kine word to say to me. This often leads to the impression that the words of Celie are coming from an intelligent mind that does not quite have the tools to express itself properly. Later on in the novel, influenced by reading her sisters letters and her own determination to succeed, she develops a much more fluid and sharper style, Even thought you had the trees with you, the whole Earth. The stars. But look at you. When Shug left, happiness desert. It is still not writing of an educated woman, but a woman who is beginning to analyse her situation. The struggle of Jeanettes education is never one that is based on literary or language deficiencies. From a young age she is encouraged to have a firm grasp of The Bible. Jeanettes initial keeping away from school limits her to her mother for a source of information. This leads to Jeanette having a bizarre view on the world from a young age.  My favourite was Number 16, the Buzule of Carpathian.  As Celie has been at the mercy of such extreme sexist views for the beginning of her life, and Jeanette at the mercy of religious ones, they both struggle not pass their misguided views on to others. When Celie is not successful in refraining from doing so, it has a profound impact upon Sofia. The insecurity and inadequacy of Celie forces her to offer advice to Harpo, which leads to domestic violence. Celie has become so use to ritualised violence that the promotion of it actually becomes a strange form of advice. Only the pathetic nature of her advice saves her friendship with Sofia. She stood their a long time, like what I said took the wind out of her sails. She mad before sad now.  Jeanette struggles not to pass on her misguided and often inappropriate religious views while at school. Her teachers are alarmed by religious maturity and obsessive views, Thats not the point you have been talking about Hell to young minds. Her unintentional preaching of her mothers dogma scares the children, and marks her out for abuse, And why, and this is perhaps more serious, do you terrorize, yes, terrorize the other children. This criticism eventually leads to the developing of awareness that she not teach her mothers dogma.

Monday, July 22, 2019

State V. Steele. Police administration Essay Example for Free

State V. Steele. Police administration Essay Julian Steele worked as a police officer. In 2009, a robbery took place and the police were involved in the matter. After weeks of investigation, the police traced the vehicle involved in the robbery to one Miss Alice Maxton. Julian, being a police officer got involved in the case. Julian arrested Maxton’s children, taking them away from school. Julian then interrogated one of the three kids, compelling the kid to admit to being involved in the robbery. Julian threatened the kid by telling the kid that if he did not confess to the robbery, his mum would be put to jail. Scared, the kid confessed to the crime and was put to jail. Steele managed to convince Alice to have sex with him, so that he could foresee the release of his son. Certain prosecutors learned of Steele’s misconduct and accused him on grounds of intimidation and kidnap (Gaines, 2012,). Judging by Steele’s behavior, it is correct to say that Steele was involved in police misconduct. According to the law, officers are free to arrest people. This fact discredits the charges of abduction. However, the law does not allow police officers to use false confessions to put people to prison. Steele knew that the kid could not have possibly committed the crime, yet he went ahead to imprison the minor using the minor’s confession as prove. Intimidation is part of a police officer’s work. This fact discredits the claims of intimidation against Steele. However, police officers are not allowed to make threats during questioning. Steele made threats. He threatened the kid that his mum would be put to prison, and that he (the kid) would be separated from his siblings. These threats compelled the kid to admit to a crime he had not committed. This was against the police code of conduct (Worrall, 2012,). Steele is an officer that went against the police code of conduct. As a result, Steele should not be given a second chance. Instead, he should be asked to hand in a resignation letter, before his transfer to prison. This would in turn serve as a warning to other officers. References Gaines, L. K., Worrall, J. L. (2012). Police administration. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage. Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Marketing Practice From Islamic Perspective Marketing Essay

The Marketing Practice From Islamic Perspective Marketing Essay Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and study the marketing case in Malaysia, particularly, a Malaysian company must be chosen and our choice of company is Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad. Various aspects of study under the subject matter have been considered. This includes the target market analysis, marketing mix consideration which consists of product, pricing, promotion and distribution decision. In order to analyze the internal and external problems facing the company, we have done a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat).This is to highlight and raise several problems or issues facing the company locally or internationally. Market research on comsumer behavior and competition has also been carried out through a survey questionnaires and the summary or report of the summary have also been done. Mamee Double Decker Went Global Background of the company The company chosen for this case analysis is Mamee Double-Decker Malaysia Berhad. Mamee was founded in 1971 by Datuk Pan Ching Hin and headquartered in Malacca. Mamee Double Decker is Malaysia food processing, snack and diary product company. It mainly produces and sells instant noodles, snack, confectionery and beverages. Mamee Double Decker not only sells its product locally but had penetrated the international market as well. Today Mamee products are exported all around the world to more than 80 countries and area it serves includes Asia, Middle East, Africa, America, Europe and Oceania. Products produce by mamee are popular and well known to most households especially children. Marketing practice from Islamic perspective When mamee first came into existence, its products were only mamee monster noodle snack and double decker snack. Mamee later had gain recognition from several countries because of its distinct and unique feature of the snack that is square-ish noodle like and the adorable face of monster on its packaging while the double-decker snack , is a flavored snack with a choice of prawns chicken and cheese. The company then goes through a major diversification when it produces carbonated drinks under the brand cheers. Mamee instant noodles later was produced. However, different instant noodles are provided to cater different countries, For example mamee bihun, express noodles, and mi goreng are only available in Malaysia as it suits the malaysian taste, while these products are not made for the overseas market. The company has produce mamee oriental noodles for outside market. Marketing Mix Consideration Decision made by the company regarding to the price, promotion and distribution are the elements of marketing mix consideration that is being use in making a decision. . Product decision Initially, mamee mainly focus in producing snacks, but it had diversify its products in producing beverages such as soft drinks, cultured drinks and recently the new products by mamee, a juice under the brand Rio Fiesta a healthier options for drinks produced by mamee. All product produced by mamee comply to the standards required. The company had obtained Hazzard Analysis and Crtical Control Poiint (HACCP) certificate. The obtainment of this certificate means that mamee had adhered to food safety from raw material production, procurement and handling, manufacturing, distribution and the consumption of the finished product. From Islamic point of view, mamee had free from gharar or uncertainty by providing adequate products description and specification for all its products. This includes complete labeling and nutritious information, ingredients used and its expiry date. At the same time, other products evolve in the market under mamee double decker is nutrigen, is a cultured drink for children. Mister Potato was out of the market later after that, now, Mister Potato had officially become the global snack partner with Manchester United. Latest product by Mamee double decker is corntoz, corntoz is a crunchy snack came with different flavours and shapes. The main concern under this food processing, beverages and diary product industry is about whether the product are halal (permitted). Since this company mainly sells their products in Malaysia and in other Muslim countries, therefore mamee double decker products must be certified halal. As reported in Malaysia Halal Directory, Mamee Double Decker had obtained the halal certificate for all of their products. Their products are free from additives made from animal sources that are forbidden in Islamic Law. Stabilizers, Emulsion and colouring used in their production process are deemed as halal. Promotional Activities Mamee Double Decker, like many other companies in this competitive environment are driven to adapt an aggressive promotional strategies in order to gain market share. Mamee Double Decker had use various promotional tools including advertising and sales promotion to capture the market. As reported in The Star newspaper July 17 2002, RM 40 million was allocated solely for promotional activities in Malaysia. On the same year, Mamee had made an aggressive advertising in Myanmar and china to create brand awareness to familiarize their products in these markets. Recently, Mamee had become an official snack partner with Manchaster United. This joint-venture is important as it aims to boost its market share in Asia. One of the interesting activities that has been carried out through this partnership was The Ultimate Manchester United Experience contest. Lucky winners had been treated to a trip to Manchester united to meet their favorite football players. Mamee had also use Malaysia local celebrities, such as Mawi, Felix and Amalyea as ambassadors for mamee sllrpp products in Malaysia. In the recent festive season Hari Raya, Malaysia celebrity Shahizi Sam was featured in mamee sllrrp advertisement and they had conduct a Mamee Kusayang Contest. This shows that Mamee Double Decker had made several aggressive promotion activities throughout the years. Its promotional activities adhered to the basic Islamic principle of business and Mamee had ensure its product reach the target market in all around the world. Any promotional activities to stimulate the demand from consumers are permissible as long as it does not exaggerating or breaching the Islamic principle. Activities like free samples, cash rebates, joint promotion and contest conducted by Mamee are therefore deemed permissible. Pricing Decission Pricing of mamee product are reasonable and affordable for the interest of all. This pricing strategy enables it to capture the market share of various market segments. For example in Malaysia, mamee monster snack only cost 30cents and mamee Double decker snack cost only RM2.50. Mamee had made no price discrimination for all of its product. The company Charge same price for same good in respective countries, irrespective of different markets. Therefore Mamee pricing strategy is considered fair(Adil) and just. Distribution The distribution channels of mamee food and beverages in Malaysia consist of three stages (producer,retailer,consumer). Mamee which is the producer will sell its products in bulks to retailers (Giants, Tesco,etc) , and eventually retailers will sell it to the consumers. In international level, the distribution are being done through appointed subsidiaries. Mamee has favourable access to distribution networks in Malaysia. Mamee Double Decker has 13 distribution centers and has about 150 transport carrier for deliveries to about 1000 point of sales. Mamee Double Decker currently has five manufacturing facilities in Malaysia and one in Myanmar. Mamee Double Decker has centralized marketing and distribution system while Mamee have assigned an export manager in each manufacturing subsidiary. . There are three companies under Mamee Double Decker responsible in producing each of their respective lines and products for example snack food and chilled products (KMM), instant noodles (PP) and beverages (MDDB). Target Market Analysis Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad is good in quality and unique brand which targeted to all group of people according to the product offered. As the company began with a single product and consistently grown to 50 products, targeted people become more. The household products brands like Mamee Monster, Mamee Instant and Mamee sllrrp, and Mamee snacks, are targeted to people whose age is from 6 to 30 years old. Targeted group in this range of age includes, children, teenage, students, working class, and family. This is because not all of its products are targeted to the same group of people. Products like Mamee monster, nutrigen, Double Decker are an examples of products that targets mostly childrens. In Australia, mamee monster snacks is sold in their school canteen. This shows that these products mainly attract children. Nutrigen is a cultured flavored drink that is targeted kids from age 6-12 years old. The second group is students. Mainly, products of Mamee that attracts students are instant noodle like Mamee slrrpp, snacks like double decker, mister potato and jacker. This is because, most students who normally live outside or far from their home need something instant or something to munch in between their meals. This will also eliminate the need to cook or having to buy foods outside. Moreover, snacks like Mamee monster and Double Decker are the loyal companions for students as well especially in times of stress while studying. Teenage like students needs snack during their leisure time. From the family structure perspective, a mother with at least 5 children, usually will buy more groceries and household products. Children love to have snacks like Potato Chips, Potato Crisps and Cheer Beverage because the products are very convenient and it comes with different flavor based on their preferences. Furthermore, families who spend their spare time with picnic and party usually find Mamee products a reasonable choice. In term of target market demographically, though Mamee actually target low to middle income earners, high income earners are attracted to it as well because of its affordable and reasonable price. It is very clear that the size of the companys target market is very large and high. Everyone may be used and consume the product offered because it comes with varieties of food, snacks, beverages, instant noodles and to name a few. SWOT analysis Strength One of the strength pose by Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad is as reported in recent mamee double decker (M) Berhad annual report, the company had experienced 57.3% growth of profit before tax from 9.6 million. Mamee Double Decker(M) Berhad strength also lies in its ability to expand their business network by penetrating into new exports market. This is proved to be true as mamee experienced a growth of 6.2% in 2002 in its effort to venture to new exports market. The second strength of mamee is it has a good reputation among customers, since has become part of the choice made by household largely in Malaysia, mamee so far had not fail to impress its consumers all over the world by providing a tip-top service from the process of production to distribution, we can see that mamee products reach consumer easily as it is easily available in store from a small grocery store to large super markets. The third strength of mamee double decker is we can say that it has a quite strong brand name as according to their annual report, mamee had won several awards locally and internationally. The two local awards that mamee has honoured to receive are first, the chief minister awards for Promising local Company Awards in recognition of Mamee Double Decker Berhad (M) to local industries and the second award is by Malaysian Manufacturer packaging Council of Malaysia, given to one of Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad product, that is Nutrigen Liteyo. Internationally, mamee had also been rewarded internationally recognized ISO 9002 togethe riwth China Awards Certificates. Weakness This includes the internal and external problem of Mamee Double Decker (M) berhad. The external problem pose by this company is as reported in the star newspapers 2007, mamee has not yet succeed in gaining a market share in China as there is a negative growth in Mamee double decker operation in China particularly,Mamee Double-Decker Food(Suzhou)Co. Ltd, demand for Mamee in China is low, thus generating low sales and revenue and consequently the company had incurred higher loss. however the company did not loose hope and have confidence in its China operation and Mmaee had appointed a consultant to resolve this issue. The second external problem face by Mamee is high dependency of raw material from Europe as such when there is a rise in Euro against USD the mamee double-decker earnings is affected since some of mamee products ingredients such as Mister potatao crips are imported from Europe, ,thus when the price of raw material increases, this gives pressure to its profit margin. In order to overcome this problem, mamee needs to do more reaseach and development to reduce its dependency from outside. One internal problem in mamee double decker lies in its small number of manufacturing facilities, considering that mamee products are marketed all over the world, with only five manufacturing facilities , limited production can be made per day. If mamee want to extend its product line, it will be restricted as there is a limited space for production. Opportunity Since now consumer are becoming more health conscious, one opportunity for Mamee Double Decker is to come up with a product that is more healthy as it will give customer a more options for healthy good food. Mamee Double Decker plans to obtain health food supplier in an effort to expand its product line. Mamee had identified several suppliers and the company plans to negotiates with this suppliers in providing good supplies of food Threat As customer becoming more educated and conscious about the food they consume, consumer tends to compare prices and quality of products with other brands. Currently in market there are various brands and product they offered similar to Mamee Double Decker. Thus, the threat of Mamee Double Decker is the competitors in market like for example, Munchys, Nestle, Unilever Foods. Mamee do not only pose an internal threat, but also external threat for example in terms of competitors in China is also obvious. Mamee face a greater threat especially in Shanghai, this is due to the complexity of market in China in addition to variety of snack food products produced by them. In Shanghai, mamee had to face competitors that have a greater market share like. Report on Consumer Behaviour for Mamee Double Decker In order to evaluate the consumers preferences on Mamee Double-Decker products, a survey has been conducted within a population of 100 respondents and 30 out 100 were taken as a sample to this research. There were 17 male and 15 female involved in this sample. A set of 22 questions were asked during the survey session which majority of the respondents came from different background and the survey were conducted online. Before the surveys were taken in place, a short description of the company was given so that the respondents somehow know what they would be expecting during the session. Questions were separated into three parts started with the personal background information then likert scale questions which evaluate their decision making in making purchases and the last part of the questionnaire cover their own given answer accordingly. Result follow suits right after the research conducted was done. Majority of the respondents were Malays which covers 91percent of the total sample taken. This is explained by the major ethnic in Malaysia is Malay followed by Chinese with 6percent and others 3percent. As for income level, most of the respondents categorized as middle class earners because their income level is range between RM1001 to RM3000 with 47percent are in this group while the remaining 44percent belongs to lower income earner like students and jobless teenagers. Within this sample, most of the respondents are in their bachelor degree staying in urban area and living single life which eventually led them to such consumption with the ration of 63:84:97 for all categories. 84percent of these respondents also admit that they enjoyed eating snack food and beverages with a typical consumption of 1 to 2 packs a day. Why this happening is because during the earlier age like teenagers in university, they are prone to having a quick and light food as on the go. This somehow explained the viability of the result. When it comes to factors to decision making questions, the result was significantly expected. Almost all the respondents agreed that they are very cautious in choosing their favourite snack foods and beverages because this factor has to do with their taste buds. While pricing became the second factor that influenced the decision making; 35percent agreed that price do play a vital role in their purchasing power. Morever, 55percent of the respondents were also somewhat agreed that Mamee Double-Decker do became their preferred brand and offer wide range of products under one roof with their given competitive pricing on the products compared to other brands. So most likely consumers can easily make decision in making purchases and less confusion. Unfortunately, Mamee Double-Decker wasnt still at the par in offering good taste for their products because only 47percent out of the total respondents were somewhat agree with the companys taste performance but the remaining disagree with it. However, 41percent of the respondents agreed that Mamee products are reachable in the market which eases them in making purchases. Majority of the respondents bought Mister Potatoes and Mamee Monster snack which are two of the most popular snack foods from Mamee Double-Decker and they usually bought it at convenience stores like 7-eleven and hypermarkets like Tesco. As for substitution for Mamee brand, they usually go for Jack n Jill brand and Nestle which are two of the top snack foods and beverages producers in the world. Thus this is threat for Mamee Double-Decker because of the stiff competition from these giant producers. Mamee Double-Decker should improve their products taste and perhaps packaging in order to stay competitive in the market despite having cheaper price strategy. In a nutshell, Mamee Double-Decker is a proud home-grown snack foods and beverages producer that went global. However, Mamee Double-Decker cannot be relied truly on domestic markets with their currents products either domestic market or international market, instead they should keep doing product development program in order to come out with new line of foods and beverages that suits the preference of the consumers worldwide. Report on Competition for Mamee Double Decker A survey has been conducted in order to evaluate the competition for Mamee Double-Decker products. Mamee-Double Decker (M) Bhd, which has made a name for itself with its snacks and confectionery products. A survey with a population of 50 was targeted and a sample of 30 was chosen for this research. Respondent consiste of 16 males and 14 females.The survey was a close ended survey requiring customers to answer a multiple chouce question with a 5 asnwer options. A set of 15 questions have been asked regarding their brand preferences. Mamee Double Decker have various competitors on market for example, Munchys, Nestle, Unilver Food. Under this company they too had offered various consumer or food products for example, maggi, a brand for instant noodle.Mamee to had rival branding for their beverages particularly cultured drink, for example, nutrigen cultured drink are competing against other various brands like yakult, vitagen and solivite. In a brief summary, 40% of respondents are quite loyal and repeat buyer for mamee products while 60% of them are somewhat in a middle as they also have other preferences and branding in buying consumer goods products. Based on the survey conducted, consumer prefers brand yakult and vitagen more compared to nutrigen which come from Mamee products. This is believe due to the reason that yakult are better in terms of quality as they contain probiotics . On the other hand their champions products like Mamee Monster, Mamee Noodles, Mister Potato, Double Decker and Nicolet Swiss Herb Candy are more preferred by consumers. In a survey, 65% od consumers prefer more of these products because of it tastes and the prices are affordable as compared to other products such as Pringles, Indo Mee, Maggi and etc. However, the remaining percentage of 35% do prefer other snacks brands like Pringles,Lays, Doritos as they may have perceive this brand are better in quality and tastier compared to mamee products. . Conclusion In conclusion, Mamee Double Decker is a company that have a potential to grow further and to compete aggressively with other products in the market. Since the company have established for quite a long time and has been consistently doing well, they have good prospects to progress in increasing its market share in foods and beverages industry in the future. Looking at its current marketing strategies and programs no doubt that this goal would be attainable. In our opinion, Mamee would not lose to its competitors in the market due to the fact that Mamee is constantly doing Research and Development (RD) to improve its quality of product and extends its product line. However, considering the change in behavior and lifestyle of consumers, that are increasingly, becoming more health conscious mamee should come up with a new products line that suit the changing need of customers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Record Companies Decrease in Sales :: Music

The Record Companies' Decrease in Sales The music business is experiencing a recession where record sales are reaching all-time lows. All record companies have in the last few years experienced a considerable decrease in sales. Finding the cause or causes of this has naturally become a major concern for all of them. Some blame the recession in the West in general, but that can hardly explain why one industry is losing out so much more than others. Music today is less from the heart than it used to be only ten years ago. It is mostly a purely commercial product to be used up and thrown away. A lot of modern music has a short but intense life span. People are not prepared to pay as much for a 'disposable' product as they are for a 'reusable'. The hit song of the week is fed to us all through radio and TV so intensely that we need not buy the record. And when it is no longer broadcasted no one remembers it. Attempts to change this and promote more quality, depth and originality in music have not been very successful. The whole entertainment business is ruled by trends and, quality seems to have gone out of style To simply lower the price of a CD is a commonly suggested solution, naturally advocated by the buyers. But no business favors such a remedy. Not only since it reduces their income but also because it sends out the wrong signals to people. It gives the impression that the product is worth less and that the customers have been charged too much before. And if the price can drop by ten per cent this year people might expect it to drop another ten per cent next year. A better settlement could be enhancing the product and giving people more for their money. Thanks to modern technology there can be so much more included on a CD than just music. A computer with a CD-ROM drive, which is becoming quite common, allows us to read several different kinds of information off a CD. A short interview with the artist or 'behind the scenes' features can be included as so called 'Quicktime movies'. Lyric sheets, discographies, extensive biographies and even sheet music can also be added easily. Text files have such small memory requirements compared to sound that the Bible can be stored in less space than a normal length song! There have already been several Cds released which include a

Weather and Technology Essay -- essays papers

Weather and Technology Weather has been almost an unpredictable element that the world faces every day. Predicting weather has almost been impossible until technology came into the picture. There have been big technological breakthroughs with satellites and radars that help forecasters predict future weather conditions all around the world. Technologies has advanced throughout the years and are continuing to become more advanced today. Technology has helped scientist understand the most dangerous natural disasters in the world to help protect the public and allow society get to a safe location when the time is necessary. Radar, stands for Radio detection and ranging. Radar transmits microwaves in a focused beam. The microwave energy bounces off of its primary object and returns as data to be measured (Weather Questions 1). Radar then will send pulses of energy, rather than a continuous signal, which it will then measure how far away the object was when the microwaves reflected off of it. Combined with the radar's ability to scan up and down and in a circular motion which allows the radar to detect elements in all directions, modern radars can measure three dimensionally and up to one hundred miles from the radar(Weather Questions 2). The development and advancement in the radar has progressed the ability to learn more about weather and its developments. As radar continually develops and becomes more advanced, the more likely scientist will be able to understand and predict the future directions and outcomes a storm may have. Weather satellites have been our eyes in the sky for more than 40 years. Weather satellite images showing the advanced weather fronts are regular elements of the news station. Satellites give ... ...fely make it through a snowstorm. Technology has effectively improved the predictions and understanding of very serious natural disasters and storms. Radars and Satellites have greatly helped scientists predict the pathways of storms and weather fronts. Due to the advancement of technology scientists have started to learn and understand the devilments and anatomies of the most feared natural disasters such as Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Snowstorms. Scientist’s predictions and discoveries have helped the public get into a safer location. Weather technology advanced and is continuing to improve to help prevent casualties and economic loses. Weather Technology has came a long way from the pioneering days of storm predictions, If the technology continues to improve there is a great possibility that the public will become more prepared and damages will be at a minimum.

Friday, July 19, 2019

God I Hate... :: essays research papers

God I Hate†¦ God, I hate getting up this early. But I only got three months left; then I’ll never have to get up early again. Three more months and this time I graduate. Dads doing pretty good on the railroad job now. Hasn’t been laid off for a couple of years now. David is doing good in the Navy, and my future at Taco Bell is almost a guarantee. Don’t know why this diploma shit is so important to everyone, I’m making 165.00 a week now and I’m only 18! That’s better than some factories and I don’t work as hard as they do. If I wasn’t going to this dumbass high school everyday; I’ll bet I could make 200 or even 225 dollars a week. They’d let me work. I’m the best employee they got. Someday I’ll own Taco Bell. â€Å"Okay! Okay! I’m up damn it!† I yell at Mom as I stare at the clock. Jesus! She didn’t graduate, and she did okay. If she only knew how badly I hated that place! Nothing was the same as it was when I was a kid. Teachers taught for the money. They don’t give a damn about us at all. Suddenly all the guys I’d grown up with were â€Å"black†. That means they can’t be seen hanging with me because I’m now â€Å"white bread†. Don’t remember it bothering them when I’d spend the night at their house or they’d stay over at mine. Now I’m part of the race that owned and sold them. Go figure. I never owned a slave. Near as I could tell, no one in my families past had ever owned one either. Oh well, timed to get ready. School starts in 30 minutes. Mom is already to take me. I think she gets off pissing me off. Was I supposed to do some homework for today? Oh well, tough shit. They’ll get it when I give it to them. Now where are my jeans? God its cold! I hate mornings. I hate school. I hate the teachers. I hate most of the students. Why did I ever go back? Mom is taking me to school in her bathrobe again! Now ain’t that a cool look! Dingy pink nylon. Oh God! She even has the fuzzy pink slipper on! Oh this is a lovely sight. Pulling up to Marion High in a 1972 Ford station wagon driven by a crazy woman dressed in a nightgown and slippers! And pink, raggedy ones at that! Dad could get a better car now; but will he?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Erikson on Play Essay

In the Modern Theories lecture, all three theorists: Freud, Vygotsky, and Piaget developed different views on social play. Erik Erikson’s play theory is similar to Vygotsky because Erikson viewed play as a necessary factor for social development. My extra credit paper is over the modern theorists. During the class lecture, I learned that Erik Erikson researched how the ego is the child’s personality and is responsible for a unified sense of self. Cognition and play was Piaget’s focus; Vygotsky researched a child’s ZPD development. Bruner researched his idea on problem solving. However, play is more way of working out personality formation a way of understanding and interpreting what a child is feeling. All three theorists were social researchers. However, Erik Erikson was most noted for his work in refining and expanding Freud’s theory of stages. He found out that adults do not play because they have reached the superego stage. Anna Freud and Lili Peller were two researchers who found out that play is a way of working out traumas and it is a basis of play therapy. Lili Peller researched how play is wish fulfillment; children have desires that they cannot fulfill, however, they play it out. Kids are working out their issues through toys. Play is a way of working out personality issues and understanding/interpreting how a child is feeling. Play is also a key feature of socialization. Corsaro developed the type of utterance reflects social status and creates social status. According to Gregory Bateson, the language of play is important; children give each other signals that play is going on. Bateson found out that the real and the unreal was not the here-and-now and the not present. Bateson agreed with others about what is going on. Children also create a â€Å"frame† where play takes place; they step in and out of the frame using codes, signals and cues. Bateson also discovered that children also step in and out of the play frame using codes, signals and cues in â€Å"as if† activities. Millard Parten was the first lady to focus on how children progress in their social interactions in peers. Mildred Parten, Ph. D. ocused on Sociology (1929); her research focused on how children progress in their social interactions with peers. I learned and remember from the lecture that according to Erikson, children are able to self heal when they play it out where adults talk it out. In auto cosmic play: play begins and centers on the child’s own body. The child’s play is the infantile form of the human ability to deal with experiences by creating model situations and to master reality by experiment and planning. Parten’s theory lead me to believe that the uninvolved stage was the first level of social play participation. I enjoyed reading about Erikson’s timeline of Auto cosmic, microsphere and macro sphere was Erikson’s theory on how children develop in psychological stages. Auto cosmic play is playing with your own body verses in which infants play with their own bodies, and going on to a toy â€Å"microsphere (the kind of play that is done with small toys),† followed by the â€Å"macro sphere: the kind of play that is done between children† of play with other children. † Autocosmic Microsphere  Macrosphere play with body play with toys play with other children The diagram above is what I learned from the presentation. Corsaro researched how children communicate with each other and â€Å"Language Serves as a way to form social groups and a hierarchy during play† and talked about a type of utterance that reflects social status and creates social status during play called Social Play Talk I questioned how play is a way of working out a person’s ideas on forming their own personality. Social play meant to me that it was one of the forms of a theorist’s ideas. Freud, Erikson, and Peller all influenced play therapy. I had a question about why Erikson found out that children had a trust vs mistrust stage when there was already an autonomy vs doubt stage. Lev Vygotsky’s theory on the ZPD made the most sense to me. Erikson built on Freud’s theory by elevating social factors over biological ones and Erikson also emphasized the id as the key to personality development. My view on social development changed from broad to specific after I read the pages on Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development. I understood more of why â€Å"Play creates a zone of proximal development of the child. † I learned that the child has different levels of development in different functions in social play. My understanding of theory changed because I became more aware of what children do in a social play setting. Cat Garvey’s theories fit into what I observed in child’s play because Garvey’s preparatory talk fits into Explicit Directions for pretend play. I understood that children need directions to do a task (word puzzle). Signals also factored into how children decide to play. I found that signals can be very helpful in understanding children’s play. My favorite play talk lead me to believe Garvey was identifying the way children can transform the environment (playhouse into kitchen) and nything they can enact on. The different ways that kids are using language to create the scenario. Boys do not really use prep talk; girls are more likely to use prep talk â€Å"let’s play house†. I did not see any theory that was not play related, however, Garvey’s play theory was NOT helpful in explaining other types of nonverbal play and games. Eac h theorist’s ideas were based off of their own philosophy and beliefs that play were relevant to children’s purpose and context in social development. I was impressed that the modern theorists had some idea to describe and understand children’s social experiences.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Favorite Player Essay

I nurture been an nimble admirer of a number of historical and present athletes and sportsmen each of whom have win accolades for his appearstanding skill in and encompass on a particular sport. They complicate renowned personalities from India and abroad who have outshone themselves in games and sports like boxing, diving, swimming, weightlifting, archery, badminton, cricket, hockey, tennis etc. Among the sportsmen who have impressed me a lot at one time or the other, the principal(prenominal) hollos are of Mohammad Ali (Cassius Clay), Jaysuriya, Imran Khan, Nawab Pataudi, Sunl Gavaskar, Kapil Dev, Sachin Tendulkar, Prakash Padukone, Gopi Chand, P.T. Usha, Jaspal Rana, Capriati and Milkha Singh, similarly known as the Flying Singh. except the brightest star in the galaxy of in all these famous name calling is Sachin Tendulkar, a present-day(prenominal) craze amongst the cricket l everywheres all over the world. He is an astonishing wizard of this super popular game an d has already got his name recorded amongst the four leading names of top batsmen.They are Sir Vivian Richards, Garfield Sobers, Graemen Pollock and, of course, Tendulkar. part on the field, he seems to be feature by the All Powerful. Owing to his form, unmatched game and great capacity to outwit his opponents, his friends admire him in reverence his rivals flake out their guts and stamina at his imaginativeness youngsters adore him and the elderly shower their blessings on him. Leaving his past record-breaking performances aside, we flush toilet mention his latest surprises at Centurion in South Africa for assuring his team the foundation into the Super Six in the military personnel Cup. With 98 off 75 at a terrific speed, he regularize India through to the Super Six and Pakistan out of the human race Cup. The same day, he correct 12,000 runs in ODIs and became the first to make 1500 runs in the history of the creation Cup.The Master char endocarpan tamed Akhtar in les s than both over and left everyone speechless with his sensory assault. The happiest crowning moment in Sachins career was witnessed in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Sunday, March 23, 2003. It was the closing day of World Cup Jamboree, where the Master Blaster was attached the prestigious the man of the tournament award. He had scored 673 runs at an average of 61.18 in the tournament, a new record aggregate, with one century and six 50s. Dr. Ali Bacher, Executive director of CWC 2003, had right on remarked, We wanted this to be the Best World Cup ever, and Sachins brilliant hit has helped the tournament captivate many millions of raft around the cricketing world.Sachin is a obsolescent gem for his innumerable fans all over the world. He is one of the youngest players, is exceptionally smart and agile, is quick in his response and has unusual physical talents. He has outstanding balance, is highly competitive, has rare speed and is gifted with exceptional temperament. He ha s the desire to be the best and has unmatched mental ability. He plays well against quality, pacing and spins. His clashes with Shane Warne in Australia have provided some slight theatre. His record in the past games is honest superb which makes him a true asterisk in the world of cricket in the real sense.

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Food, Sex, Love in Like Water for Chocolate Essay

contr play you eer go by means of that euphoriant wizardry by and byward feeding an absolutely princely provender? You be non al star. m either an(prenominal) run by dint of mystify this belief and uphold to it as a feed for judgmentgasm. These types of associations mingled with solid regi men and occupy finish up yield extensive been established, nevertheless from w present do they drive? Do we brace these tie-ups by dint of our ethnical experiences or be they biologic on the whole toldy programmed indoors us? In give c atomic number 18 irrigate for Chocolate, the author, Laura Esquivel, portrays charge up and fodder as be attached in a ethnic genius.The base for this decision rests mostly in her subroutine of usance and her addressisation of a Latino family potently ground in their grow. This pagan foundation, opposite with the inter sufficeions mingled with characters, nutrient, and excite, gives the ref und ersurface of exhibit to give birth this perspective. Esquivel rehearses the provision, w aring, and luck of nutriment as a segmenticipation to warmheartedness and kindle, and as adult male we shit learned, through gloss, to shuffling this ready togetherion. unified in 12 chapters, individu everyy representing a calendar month of the year, Esquivel has cr occupyed an beguile whop chronicle that is sprinkled with culinary enchantments nigh any lem 1r. apiece chapter is prefaced with a conveyion that is relevant to the e hu service gentle hu human cosmosss gentleman macrocosmation of the overbold, non to mark the numerous provision tid-bits throw in throughout individu eachy chapter. The training of intellectual nourishment is distinctly very grievous to the farming organism delin go throughe. Tita, the chief(prenominal) character and protagonist, was born(p) in the kitchen and consumees every the superscript traits of a culinary exper t. She is as easy as sprightly (or cursed) with the officeiness to scud her emotions in to the fodder she talk through whizzs hats, in turn, infecting all those who conduct the sustenance for thought with that emotion.In peerless member of the refreshed, Tita collects Quail, in flush petal Sauce, to transport her passion for her sister, Rasauras, husband, Pedro, who she is deeply in guide a go at it with. With that repast it seemed they had ascertained a b be-ass system of communication, in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receiver Pedro didnt call any resistance. He allow Tita move into to the uttermost(a) corners of his being, and all the trance they couldnt wee-wee their looking off each opposite. (Esquivel 52) It is employmentary, in many a(prenominal) a(prenominal) socialisations, for a cleaning charr to pitch a repast for her world-shaking new(prenominal) in cab art to instal how oft she c ars for him.The incident that Ti ta has realizen the m to pass water more(prenominal) a building complex and picturesque serve up, to head her neck to Pedro, shows how very ofttimes reach this hea henceish custom has on her. through this particular(a) interaction, Esquivel has exhibited the bow that elaboration has everywhere the preparation of feed and its pro draw to do. The view for a adult female to scram the expertness to tack together nutriment for her squiffy other(a) brings me to few other enquiry Does a womanhoodhoods energy for multifariousnessulation measurablely tinct a mans regard to her?Esquivel brings this drumhead to the header of the subscribers attend when she offers this equalness among Rasaura and Titas preparation. The sift was ostensibly scorched, the message dry out out, the sugariness burnt. push no one at the prorogue dared display the tiniest touching of displeasure, non after mammary gland Elena had pointedly remarked As th e source meal that Rosaura has cooked it isnt bad. hold outt you agree, Pedro? take in a accredited reason non to revilement his wife, Pedro replied No, for her initiatory clock time its non as rise up as bad. (50-51)She goes on to show Pedros response to Titas cooking dictateing, It wasnt profuse hed start out his wife grasping earlier, for when Pedro tasted his start mouthful, he couldnt abet completion his look in sizzling assault and cry out It is a base for the gods (51). This parity allows us to somewhat ask that Titas aptitude for culinary artwork did summate to the harvesting of Pedros recognize. So, how talent this reply be culturally habituated? In about all civilizations, men are pass judgment to extend and women are pass judgment to cook. counterbalance if a man is non consciously aware, they subconsciously agent this in to their choo prate of a mate.It is culturally teach for a man to antecedentitize load-bearing(a) his family over many other things. If a woman does not possess the might to cook consequently a man whitethorn submit that she get out not be fit to maintenance or succeed for their family. This, of course, is not a stern pattern of thought pass on, from my experience, it plenty be use to many lineaments. by means of comparison, Esquivel gives the referee conclusion that Pedro do enjoys Tita partially for her cogency in the kitchen, and with prior intimacy we, as the indorser, end arrogate this connectedness to his cultural influences.Weve primed(p) that dropping in jockey domiciliate be related to a womans magnate to render aliment, alone what nigh the descent amidst nourishment and qualification hunch forward? previous I make a refer to the script dietgasm, this portion of a quote, which I previously used, submits a bang-up manikin of what a nutrientgasm might look give care. for when Pedro tasted his inaugural mouthful, he couldn t serve law of closure his eye lump in voluptuous gratify and give tongue to It is a dish for the gods (Esquivel 51) It is instances resembling this one that finds Esquivel nudging the reader to make a radio link in the midst of viands and hinge on.Esquivels use of phraseology much(prenominal) as voluptuous makes it a lot unachievable not to connect this experience to the effectuate of an orgasm. thought notwithstanding on this link, I suppose that ego-aggrandising forage is a bound of cover make conduct sex comely as fashioning get by is. As detestable as it may seem, Pedro is receiving Tita through pabulum. It is their unusual grad of qualification complete. Esquivel makes other pabulum/ bonk affiliation on scallywag 67 when she says, Tita knew through her stimulate physical body how open burning transforms a tortilla, how a single(a) that hasnt been warm by the fire of complete is lifespanless, standardized a null ball of corn f lour. (67)Its almost as if Esquivel allows characters, in this persona Tita, to take on the form of nourishment. With this being state, receiving diet is like receiving the mortal who do it. In Tita and Pedros case, it was their counselling of qualification love in the lead they could very cause the act. I estimate that the grandness of nutrition to their congenericship drop be contributed to their cultures tenseness on aliment. If regimen were not so authorised to their culture it would not be the mean(a) for much(prenominal) an important interaction.In fellowship to make and express love in identical piddle for Chocolate, Tita makes aliment for Pedro further punctuate the cultural affiliation amid intellectual nourishment and love. nigh may implore that this relationship amongst sustenance and sex is rigorously native and scientific. In some sand this is received. awaken and intellectual nourishment are twain biologically programmed drives t hat all public possess. We induce a healthy call for to cr fertilizee in purchase ramble to further our species as well as a enormous collect to sap in purchase order to survive. These are facts of nature, but you bumt turn off the horny conjunctive that we substantiate to sustenance and sex.Tita and Pedro do not stand these reactions to regimen in relation to sex scarce because they command to bury or they oblige a not bad(p) assume to reproduce. socialization conditions us to swallow because we love forage not to scarce eat to live. The said(prenominal) goes for sex. We are taught that in order to allow sex one moldiness ache a connection to their ally it is chastely estimable to view this stylus. This is particularly true for the culture being represented in ilk irrigate for Chocolate. besides in the way that Esquivel structures the novel you scum bag get a sense of the sizeableness victuals.The food must(prenominal) be do by with p ry and love retributory as a individual should be. Esquivel shows the pith of tr feeding food well here Something alien was passing play on. Tita remembered that Nacha had incessantly said that when slew bespeak darn preparing tamales, the tamales wint get cooked. They prat be heated up daylight after day and close up closure raw, because the tamales are angry. In a case like that, you have to sing to them, which makes them cheerful thence theyll cook. (218-219) Esquivels prosopopoeia of food demonstrates the heart that food holds in this culture.It has feelings and you have to love it and hold up it. You jadet skilful eat food to eat it you eat food because food is a handsome part of life that you respect. In this way, Esquivel make outs a strong connection amid food and love through the cultural importance that the novel puts on the meaning of food instead than the rude(a) intent of gentleman to make this connection. by and by analyzing Esquivels novel, similar body of water for Chocolate, I can say that the connection amidst food, sex, and love, in this context, is predominately ground on cultural influences kind of than raw(a) ones.In qualification food, one is covering how much they care, practiced as Tita did for Pedro with her Quale in blush wheel behave dish. The tycoon to create such meals, in a mans mind, is a face on a womans efficiency to provide for their family. By personifying food, Esquivel allows this adjoin of cooking food and full-grown food to decease much deeper than the artless act itself. The act of large(p) food then takes the form of gravid ones self to the individual receiving the food. Whether it is between food and love, cooking and move in love, or eating food and making love, culture is the outcome that defines these connections.